
    • Neurofeedback is a way to quantify and train brain activity;
    • It is brainwave biofeedback.
    • The basic principles of how neurofeedback works are deceptively simple.
    • Communication between groups of cells in the brain generates thoughts, sensations, actions and emotions.
    • This activity is detectable in the form of brainwaves - electrical impulses generated by your brain activity. 
    • During a neurofeedback session, sensors detect your brainwaves to see your brain in action.
    • A computer compares your brain activity to targets or goals for you to reach.
    • Sounds and images tell you immediately when your brain reaches your goal and when not - when you are activating or suppressing the target area of the brain.
    • Through this simple method, you learn how to quiet brainwaves associated with low performance and increase brainwaves associated with optimal brain function.
    • Much like physical exercises strengthen and develop specific muscles, the more your brain is exercised into reaching a new more comfortable, more efficient position, the better and stronger it gets at it.
    • Like any new skill, it simply requires feedback and practice. 
    • As the brain governs your emotional health, psychological health and every system in your body, training it into better function has far reaching benefits.
    • Neurofeedback has an excellent track record for symptom resolution over a broad spectrum of emotional and brain-based conditions.
    • Neurofeedback is used to teach children with ADHD how to calm and concentrate, and is rated level 1 'best practice' intervention for ADHD.
    • NASA uses neurofeedback to train astronauts.
    • The US military use it to train their Special Forces, and have adopted neurofeedback as a new intervention for PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
    • It’s used in professional football, by Olympic athletes, and is available privately for health, well-being, and personal development

Frequently asked Questions

What is Neurofeedback?

  • Neurofeedback is a way to quantify and train brain activity;
  • It is brainwave biofeedback.
  • The basic principles of how neurofeedback works are deceptively simple.
  • Communication between groups of cells in the brain generates thoughts, sensations, actions and emotions.
  • This activity is detectable in the form of brainwaves - electrical impulses generated by your brain activity. 

What happens in a Neurofeedback session?

  • During a neurofeedback session, sensors detect your brainwaves to see your brain in action.
  • A computer compares your brain activity to targets or goals for you to reach.
  • Sounds and images tell you immediately when your brain reaches your goal and when not - when you are activating or suppressing the target area of the brain.
  • Through this simple method, you learn how to quiet brainwaves associated with low performance and increase brainwaves associated with optimal brain function.
  • Much like physical exercises strengthen and develop specific muscles, the more your brain is exercised into reaching a new more comfortable, more efficient position, the better and stronger it gets at it.
  • Like any new skill, it simply requires feedback and practice. 

What is Neurofeedback used for?

  • As the brain governs your emotional health, psychological health and every system in your body, training it into better function has far reaching benefits.
  • Neurofeedback has an excellent track record for symptom resolution over a broad spectrum of emotional and brain-based conditions.
  • Neurofeedback is used to teach children with ADHD how to calm and concentrate, and is rated level 1 'best practice' intervention for ADHD.
  • NASA uses neurofeedback to train astronauts.
  • The US military use it to train their Special Forces, and have adopted neurofeedback as a new intervention for PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
  • It’s used in professional football, by Olympic athletes, and is available privately for health, well-being, and personal development
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